The Lanier Mansion, the “Crown Jewel” of Madison’s Historic District and a National Historic Landmark, is owned and operated by the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites Corporation. The Greek Revival mansion, designed and built by Madison architect Francis Costigan and completed in 1844, was the home of J.F.D. Lanier until he moved to New York City in 1851. Lanier’s contribution to Indiana’s banking and railroad industries made him one of the most important figures in the history of this state before the Civil War
The Mansion contains Madison’s most impressive public collection of early nineteenth century furniture. In the course of restoration work begun in 1995, the exterior of the Mansion has been returned to its original color scheme, and most of the interior has been redecorated with authentic reproduction carpeting, wallpaper, and textiles all evocative of the mid-nineteenth century. Private donors have made most of this work possible.
This holiday season, view the mansion decorated much as it would have been in 1850, the last year the Lanier family lived in Madison. Although homes in this era were not decorated as elaborately as those in the later Victorian period, many of the holiday customs we observe today, Christmas trees, store-bought gifts, etc. were beginning to become popular around this time.
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Legal: Ticket bearers release all private homeowners from any claims that might arise from participation in the Nights Before Christmas Candlelight Tour of Homes.